Datalink Networks Blog

8 things to ask every backup & disaster recovery provider

Written by Donald Wisdom | Dec 22, 2020 7:35:55 PM

Is your organization thinking of finding a backup and disaster recovery provider? How do you begin choosing the right BDR vendor or solution? Here as the top 8 questions you should ask to get you started. 

If your organization has been on the hunt for the right backup or disaster recovery solution, now  is a crucial time to get started on your plan. A study showed that 93% of companies without a disaster recovery solution and who suffered a major data disaster are out of business within one year. Do not let your organization fall victim to this. Find out what questions you should ask your BDR provider before it is too late. 

>> In search of a Backup and Disaster Recovery solution? Contact us today to see what options and plans work best for you organization <<

8 things to ask your BDR provider

1. Do you provide a hybrid cloud backup solution? 

To achieve intelligent business continuity, a hybrid cloud backup solution is the optimal option for your organization. This will allow for the best of the private and public models to form a feature rich, highly efficient, and affordable system. 

2. Can you provide instant local virtualization? 

For most business being down for hours is simply something that is unacceptable. Current BDR solutions should allow you to have servers booting instantly locally so that client services can be restored and back in the right place in a matter of minutes. 

3. Can you provide proof of backup? 

To have a successful data backup process you must have proof of backup. This means asking your BDR vendor to provide screenshot verification to confirm data backup. It is essential to ask this question prior to signing a contract with a BDR provider. 

Click here to read about why SaaS Applications are not a backup solution.

4. Do you virtualize off-site?

To have peace of mind that your business infrastructure can be brought online quickly in the cloud, it is imperative that you ask this question. This will allow for your business to have continuous uptime.

5. Do you deliver an off-site sync method that manages bandwidth? 

It is critical for a BDR solution to be able to prioritize if data is local or off-site, thus managing bandwidth to provide greater flexibility, increased reliability, and higher transfer speeds of your off-site backups.

6. Do you have multiple data centers, in geographically diverse locations? 

Every BDR provider should reply "Yes" to this question for 3 reasons. First, it ensures that even if data is removed locally, there is a secure copy off-site that can be restored. Second, it saves money because your local device capacity does not have to cover your entire backup repository. And third, in case of a regionalized disaster, at least on data center location must not be affected. 

7. Do you provide US based technical support? 

Picture that your company is in the middle of a backup and disaster crisis and you need immediate technical support. Make sure you receive the best technical and customer support available at the time your company needs it the most. 

8. Do you offer intelligent Business Continuity?

Only an intelligent business continuity solution takes BDR to the next week level, to mitigate risk and keep  your clients systems running in the event of a technical or natural disaster.

Learn how to keep your business safe from wildfires and other disasters.