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Amanda RindtMay 3, 2024 2:34:39 PM2 min read

Datalink Networks Transforms Palisades Charter High School's Data Infrastructure

In the dynamic realm of education, precision and efficiency in data management are non-negotiable. Palisades Charter High School embarked on a transformative journey with Datalink Networks, a beacon of innovation in the realm of information technology. This partnership sought to elevate the school's data accuracy, internal communication, and financial transparency. Join us as we explore how Datalink Networks revolutionized Palisades Charter High School's data landscape. 

Infinite Campus Precision Upgrade

At the heart of academic operations lies the Student Information System (SIS), and for Palisades Charter High School, this meant upgrading to the latest standards with Infinite Campus. Datalink Networks meticulously revamped the SIS, introducing a new level of accuracy and accessibility. The result? A seamless flow of precise student information at the fingertips of administrators and educators. 

Streamlining Transportation Communications

Transportation logistics can be a labyrinth without efficient communication channels. Recognizing this, Datalink Networks integrated ParentSquare into Palisades' internal communication infrastructure. This not only streamlined communication among staff but also empowered parents with real-time updates on transportation routes. From bus delays to route optimizations, ParentSquare became the hub for transparent and instant communication. 


SwipeK12: Reclaiming Financial Transparency 

Access to SwipeK12 is the lifeline for schools aiming for financial transparency. Palisades Charter High School faced challenges in capturing historical charges on student accounts. Datalink Networks intervened promptly, restoring access to SwipeK12. This not only reconciled historical discrepancies but also reinstated a pathway to clear communication with parents regarding financial matters. 

The Impact on Palisades' Educational Landscape 


Precision-Powered Academic Operations

With the upgraded Infinite Campus, Palisades now operates with precision in all academic facets. Teachers can rely on accurate student records, administrators can make informed decisions, and parents can trust in the educational journey of their children.  

Seamless Transportation Coordination

ParentSquare has become the pulse of Palisades' transportation coordination. Bus routes are optimized for efficiency, delays are communicated promptly, and parents have gained a newfound sense of assurance, knowing that their child's journey to and from school is in safe hands.  

Financial Transparency and Trust Restored 

The restoration of SwipeK12 didn't just resolve historical charges; it revitalized trust. Palisades Charter High School now engages in open conversations with parents about financial matters, fostering a community built on transparency and collaboration.



Datalink Networks' intervention at Palisades Charter High School is a testament to the transformative power of technology when harnessed with expertise and dedication. As we navigate the ever-evolving landscape of education, partnerships like these pave the way for excellence. Palisades Charter High School stands at the forefront of precision, efficiency, and transparency—a beacon for other institutions to follow on the path of technological innovation. 


Amanda Rindt

Marketing Manager