Microsoft 365 Health Check

Optimize your organization's Microsoft tenant to increase cost-savings!

Uncover unused and assigned licenses, key productivity applications that could be optimized, and vulnerabilities within your Microsoft tenant by requesting your free Microsoft 365 Health Check. Through this engagement you will discover:

Who is and isn't using multi factor authentication

How secure your users’ passwords are

Who has dangerous privileges

What services are barely touched

How many users have admin rights

Where security and compliance problems lay

Request your free Microsoft Office 365 Health Check

Uncover Hidden Vulnerabilities within your Microsoft Tenant


Analyze your Microsoft 365 Environment


Manage and Optimize Licenses


Improve Security

Optimize your Microsoft Tenant with our O 365 Health Check

Although the Microsoft 365 suite has become a staple in office productivity, Datalink Networks has seen that IT departments often do not have the resources or time to periodically audit their Microsoft Tenant. By requesting a Microsoft 365 Health Check, your organization will receive a report detailing the amount of unused, unassigned, and underutilized licenses in your tenant along with recommendations on how to improve security settings and lower overall licensing costs. 

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